Sunday, 29 November 2015

My Date With Pope Francis.

On November 27th 2015,I joined my peers from across Kenya at The  Moi International Sports Centre,Safaricom Stadium,Kasarani for a chance to hear from the Pope and also see him live. I traveled with youth from my home parish and by  6am we had made it to the venue where we met our peers clutching on the white invitation cards on their hands. 
 I must say the queue was quite long and security was really tight.But yours truly managed to capture a few moments after securing a seat on the terraces.
both the Kenyan and Vatican flags flying high in the sky at the venue.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Artists For Refugees Project.

When you mention the word Refugee many people associate it with turmoil but this is not always the case as I came to realise after attending this very powerful forum and exhibitiion about art afortnight ago.
Artists for Refugees project was officially launched at the Alliance Française in Nairobi a fortnight ago by UNHCR Kenya. Marked with pomp and colour the event featured close to 60 refugees from Dadaab, Kakuma and Nairobi who showcased their talent in various forms of art.
FilmAid International's Country Director Stella Suge,  musician OCTOPIZZO cartoonist Victor Ndula,Tsegaye Sergue (Cuba) an Ethiopian refugee from Kakuma, Harun Komen, the Commissioner- Department of Refugee Affairs and UNHCR KENYA Country Representative Raouf Mazou were among the panelists who gave great insights on how refugees can be empowered through music and art the discussion was moderated by Executive Director of the GoDown Arts Centre, Joy Mboya. 
The three-day exhibition also helped the refugees to show of their work in the Nairobi as their plight took center stage.
Here are some of the moments I captured during the event.

One of the paintings on display at the exhibition depicting a young girl carrying a lamb in her arm looking thoughtful.

Octopizzo emphasizing on the role of art in transforming lives at the Artists For Refugees Forum.
Art lover takes time to admire various paintings on display.
Time to apply some Hena art work on you.

Khadija Hussein Jamah 33yrs and a mother of six,doing Hena Art during the event she has been living in Kakuma Refugee camp for the last 24years.

Traditional Dancers these artists were among 60 others from Somalia,Ethiopia, Eriteria, Rwanda, Burundi and DRC invited to showcase their works by UNHCR.

Art lovers admiring more art work on display at the exhibition.

UNHCR Kenya Country Represenative Raouf Mazou sharing with a participant after the event.

An art lover admires the paintings on display at the Alliance Francaise Nairobi. 

An art lover admiring Ethiopia's Triku Fekere painting.

Traditional Dancers from Burundi they were also among 60 others from Somalia,Ethiopia, Eriteria, Rwanda, Burundi and DRC invited to showcase their works by UNHCR.

Digital Humanitarian Philip Ogola monitoring social media activity during the Artist for refugees forum.

Blogger and Photographer Wachira Njenge with Kibera's finest Octopizzo at the sidelines of the event.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Mashujaa Day Awards 2015.

Events Organizer Big Bena and TNA Cordinator Gladys Chania  during Mashujaa Awards events.

Charles Ngure and Justina Mwangi looking lovely at the Mashujaa Awards.

Deejay Altar on the 1's and 2's during Mashujaa Awards.

Best Female Deejay Club Brown Bottle resident Dj Shee.

And the winner is........

Comedian Naomi James, Event Organiser Boniface "Map$" and Philo Grafix.

Mr. Birmingham 2015 with Miss Mashujaa 2014 during Mashujaa Awards 2015 edition.

George "Engineer" Kuria holds on to the Best Deejay 2015 trophy.

Guests at the VIP section following keenly.

Valerie Kamau is the new Miss Mashujaa 2015.

Rumba Africa's Boniface Munga does the peace sign.

A section of the trophies up for grabs.

Best Female Comedian Naomi James one half of the Wagithomoz shows off her trophy.
B-sounds Dj Trish on the 1's and 2's

Hype Man Ndoshy Ndoshy on the mic.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Camera Evolution.

My love for photography led me to attend an inagural camera exhibition event dubbed #CameraEvolution organised by Thika based and the cameras on display took me on a journey down the memory line when a photograher was one in a population of 500 people,when you had to wait for a week or two for your photos to be developed because the photo studio was one within a certain region.